Sunday, May 11, 2008

I'm baby steppin! I'm doin the work!

More baby steps today.

The nailer for the ceiling that goes along the south wall is now up there. It was harder than it looks, with some tricky cuts and a ridiculously precarious balancing act on the safety ladder to get it in there. The safety ladder may be on its last legs. Some brief history: our neighbor had it out on the street with his free sign on it because his wife said that it was just too dangerous to be in their house any more. I pounced on it because it was way steadier than the one I was using at the time. That was at least two and a half years ago. The little stabilizing paint can shelf on the top has finally given way and refuses to be nailed back together. The hinges are so twisted that I fear they may give at any moment due to metal fatigue. And the whole thing is so rickety you have to do a little salsa dance to get to the top without falling over. But what is life if not adventure?
Next step, throw some closets at this space. And make a built in bench with a big old skylight over it. I am sensing a phone call to check on Robert's availability coming on. I don't think that I can do
it by myself. There's some headers that have to go into the rafters... I'll check in with Residential Framing.

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