Thursday, July 17, 2008

Why not work late?

Well, it's 6:00, but I'm not doing anything else, so I may as well keep going. I'm getting a little bit anxious that the summer is slipping away without enough getting done, so maybe I'll sleep better tonight if I'm totally exhausted.

I use leftover stuff from the demo all the time in the new construction, waste not want not and all that, but today I used a special piece, the old Andrew Jensen phone number scrap, for some
blocking. It got me wondering what other stuff I might hide in the walls. I have some old license plates, and I may as well put those creepy legos back in...

I'll need to move the wire that's on the left of the stud over to the other side of the stud to accomodate the window that will be stuffed into this spot. See where it kind of wiggles into the stud bay at the top? Unnacceptable. The client demands as much glazing space as possible: "I need to see the sky, Stephen. It reminds me that I'm free." If I move it over, I gain 1 1/2" and then all of the windows in the room will be the same size. The wire is kind of a long run, around 40 ', but it is all within the room, so it's just redoing a stretch from one junction box to another. And yes, I'll check and make sure the power is off before I start.

The light colored furring strips here show the dimensions of the new window going into the south bedroom. Pretty giant. Tomorrow or this weekend I'll get started on the header. Robert's coming over to let me know if I need to do any temporary shoring up of the wall while constructing. Residential Construction was disappointingly lackluster in dealing with cutting windows out of existing bearing walls.

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